Behavioural sciences

The Behavioural Sciences Unit contributes behavioural insights to the Centre for Health Services Research. The Unit works collaboratively with national and international research institutions and industry groups to conduct behaviour change trials, support clinical trials of surgical or medical interventions, evaluate health interventions and develop programs that progress the field of behavioural science.

This work is led by Professor Monika Janda.

  • Professor Monika Janda

    Centre Director & Centre Director of Centre for Health Services Research & Centre Director
    Centre for Health Services Research
    Professor in Behavioural Science, Health Informatics
    Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr Dilki Jayasinghe

    Research Fellow
    Centre for Health Services Research
  • Lejie Zheng

    Mrs Lejie Zheng

    Casual Research Assistant
    Centre for Health Services Research

Our areas of interest are behavioural oncology, cancer prevention and early detection, telehealth, consumer co-design, quality outcomes assessment, and improving surgical care and decision making. We have extensive experience leading research studies in skin cancer and gynaecological cancers, as well as involvement in breast cancer, diabetes and geriatric health research.

Current major grants include:

Skin cancer prevention and early detection

Gynaecological cancer

Geriatric Medicine
