Dr Phil Aitken

Dr Phil Aitken is a geriatrician at the Princess Alexandra Hospital, where he, together with others, established the Stroke Unit in 1997. He is a member of the Australian and New Zealand Society of Geriatric Medicine and a member and previous Executive Member of the Stroke Society of Australasia. He is also a member of the World Stroke Organization Dr Aitken’s presentation is titled A Stroke of Good Fortune and the Hyperacute Stroke Unit’s Silver Anniversary.

Dr Emma Finch

Dr Emma Finch is a Conjoint Senior Research Fellow between The University of Queensland and the Princess Alexandra Hospital, and a Speech Pathologist at the Princess Alexandra Hospital. Her research themes have a strong clinical basis and are focused on the assessment and rehabilitation of communication disorders associated with acquired neurological conditions. Dr Finch’s presentation will provide an Allied Health perspective on stroke rehabilitation.

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About Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series

Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series

UQ Centre for Health Services Research and the Queensland Dementia, Ageing, and Frailty Clinical Network present a seminar series featuring researchers from medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy, and psychology as well as biomedical engineering, health economics, data analytics, health informatics with a focus on ageing and geriatric medicine. 

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