Advanced Trainee Project Presentations
Dr Elyshia Gray
Project title: 'Delirium severity measured by DOS scale and inpatient adverse outcomes'
Dr Paven Kaur
Project title: Evaluation and analysis of the content and usability of the Aetiology in Delirium - Diagnostic Support Tool (AiD-DST)
Dr Shavini Weerasekera
Project title: Feasibility and acceptability of frailty assessment among potential kidney transplant recipients
Dr Jonathan Kao
Project title: Frailty assessment in solid-organ transplant candidates —a systematic scoping review
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About Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
UQ Centre for Health Services Research and the Queensland Dementia, Ageing, and Frailty Clinical Network present a seminar series featuring researchers from medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy, and psychology as well as biomedical engineering, health economics, data analytics, health informatics with a focus on ageing and geriatric medicine.
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