Adaption and pilot testing of a Dementia carer support intervention into the Australian context
Spousal carers of people with dementia may be at risk of negative psychosocial outcomes following placement of their partner into permanent residential care, but few formal supports currently exist to help them cope. The Residential Care Transition Module (RCTM) is a psychosocial intervention developed in the United States to support carers post-placement. The adaption of an intervention designed outside Australia into the local context has specific challenges. Dr Brook’s PhD study adapted and piloted the RCTM for use with Australian spousal carers using a small-scale cluster randomised controlled trial [N=21]. This presentation will discuss adaption issues and present major findings from the study. Delivery of the RCTM was deemed feasible and acceptable to Australian spousal carers, especially with regard to validation of feelings of loss and grief, and coping strategies related to placement. Whilst recruitment was challenging, retention was high at 91%. Study findings add to the evidence-base regarding the feasibility of adapting and delivering internationally developed psychosocial dementia interventions within the Australian aged care system.
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Professor Elizabeth Beattie
Elizabeth Beattie, Professor of Aged and Dementia Care, School of Nursing, Queensland University of Technology, is a nurse gerontologist educated in Australia, the UK and the US. She directs the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration and Dementia Training Australia in Queensland. Elizabeth has an international nursing leadership profile and a sustained record of competitive research funding, publication and mentoring. Her research is focused on improving the quality of care and quality of life of people living with dementia and those who support them.
Deborah Brooks
Deborah Brooks is a researcher at the Dementia Centre for Research Collaboration, Queensland University of Technology. She has a background in psychology and health services research and has been involved in many dementia research projects over the last 15 years, both in Australia and the UK. Recent projects have focused on improving the quality of life and care of people with dementia and their families within community and residential aged care settings. Her doctoral research, focused on improving psychosocial support to spousal family carers of people with dementia who have moved into permanent residential care, was funded by a Dementia Australia Research Foundation - Dementia Centres for Research Collaboration Consumer Priority PhD scholarship in 2015.
About Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
UQ Centre for Health Services Research and the Queensland Dementia, Ageing, and Frailty Clinical Network present a seminar series featuring researchers from medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy, and psychology as well as biomedical engineering, health economics, data analytics, health informatics with a focus on ageing and geriatric medicine.
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