Do hospital nurses recognise pain in older agitated patients with cognitive impairment? A descriptive correlational study using virtual simulation
Fred Graham is Clinical Nurse Consultant (CNC) for Dementia & Delirium at Princess Alexandra Hospital (PAH), Brisbane, Queensland. Fred is a highly experienced specialist nurse who has worked with severe BPSD in hospitalised patients for over 10 years.
Hospitalised older adults experiencing cognitive impairment may manifest symptoms of agitation and aggression. These symptoms are associated with increased adverse events for the older person and significant occupational violence toward staff. Literature suggests that inadequacies in nursing practice may contribute to such outcomes. However, very little is known about nurses real-time management of patients with these symptoms. This descriptive correlational study examined the care decisions made by 274 medical and surgical Registered Nurses (RNs) from across 5 regional and 5 metropolitan public hospitals in Queensland. RNs undertook a virtual simulation of an older cognitively impaired patient with agitation, aggression and pain. The virtual simulation was designed to appear clinically real through use of video, clinical documentation and an avatar programmed to converse and gesture like an older patient. Nurse performance was correlated with demographics, knowledge, training, workplace, experience and seniority. The results will report: (1) the number of nurses to explore pain (i.e. give analgesia); (2) the number of nurses who administered antipsychotics first-line; (3) the preferred care management strategies of nurses; and, (4) a description of expert performers' cognitive processes.
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About Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
Geriatric Medicine Seminar Series
UQ Centre for Health Services Research and the Queensland Dementia, Ageing, and Frailty Clinical Network present a seminar series featuring researchers from medicine, nursing, allied health, pharmacy, and psychology as well as biomedical engineering, health economics, data analytics, health informatics with a focus on ageing and geriatric medicine.
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