Researcher biography

Professor Alison Mudge is a clinician researcher based in the large Department of Internal Medicine and Aged Care at the Royal Brisbane and Women's Hospital. Her applied research focused on understanding and improving inpatient and post-hospital care for frail older Australians through coordinated multidiscipinary approaches. This has involved research and improvement collaborations with multiple healthcare disciplines (e.g. nursing, physiotherapy, nutrition and dietetics, occupational therapy, exercise science) and medical subspecialties (e.g. geriatrics, rehabilitation medicine, cardiology, vascular surgery, palliative care, anaesthetics, gastroenterology).

Alison was inaugural Clinical Director of the Australian Centre for Health Services Innovation (AusHSI) where she advocated strongly for the importance of implementation science approaches, and she has led numerous workshops and mentoring sessions in implementation science and practice including a seminar series within the Queensland Healthcare Improvement Fellowship program. She has been a Metro North Clinician Research Fellow and led competitive grants from NHMRC and MRFF. She advocates for clinician scientists and for authentic consumer engagement in research and service improvement, and is a highly respected undergraduate and gradute educator. She has served on the steering committee for leading Queensland clinical networks inlcuding the Statewide Older Persons's Health Clinical Network and Queensland Dementia, Ageing and Frailty Network, advocating successfully for changes to policy and practice to improve health and wellbeing of older Queenslanders.