Dr Lee Woods

Researcher biography
As a nursing informatics researcher, I believe in the power of digital health to improve the experiences of patients and clinicians, reduce healthcare expenditure, and improve population health. My research program focuses on safe, effective, and equitable digital transformation of the Queensland Health system. My previous experiences as a cardiac Clinical Nurse Specialist within the acute healthcare system and government official at the Australian Digital Health Agency, uniquely position me as a strong leader in my field, drawing on industry and government experiences to drive my translational research program. As a Fellow of the AIDH and emerging leader in the Australian digital health community and am often invited to present on digital health, clinician-led innovation and health services research. My work has been recognised by multiple awards; The University of Queensland's Promoting Women Fellowship; the Joan Edgecumbe Scholarship, the Health Informatics Society of Australia's emerging health informatics leader award; Health Informatics Society of Australia Branko Cesnik Best Student Academic Paper award; the Moya Conrick prize for best submitted paper and presentation at the Nursing Informatics Australia Conference; and the Vice-Chancellors Leadership Award at the University of Tasmania. I remain passionate about clinician-led healthcare improvement and the advancement of nurses to lead change in research institutions, government and health services. I currently supervise PhD and Honours students, and conduct peer-previews for various academic journals that cross the domains of digital health and health services research.