Pictorial tool for assessing quality of life

To evaluate the effectiveness of aged care interventions, outcome measures such as Health-related Quality of Life (HRQoL) are used. People with dementia self-report their quality of life using HRQoL questionnaires, however the loss of memory and verbal communication in severe dementia hinder their self-reporting. Proxies, such as family members, carers or healthcare professionals rate their quality of life on their behalf, however, reliance on the ratings of proxies provides an inaccurate assessment as there is often a significant difference in QOL ratings between people with dementia and their proxies. This presents a major challenge in involving people living with dementia in making decisions, rating their quality of life (QoL) and providing feedback on the health and aged care services they receive.

This project aims to develop, trial, and evaluate an audio-pictograph tool that will enable the active participation of people with communication, memory, and language problems in rating their quality of life.

 Research funded by: NHMRC Boosting Dementia Research Leadership Fellowship

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How can you become part of this project?

We believe that diversity and inclusion are fundamental in the creation of user-centred tools. If you want to participate in a focus group or complete a survey, or if you have any suggestions, please contact us using the contact details provided. We would love to hear from you.


Professor Tracy Comans
(Principal Investigator)
Email: t.comans@uq.edu.au
Phone: +61 7 334 65345

Haroon Khan
(Co-investigator, HDR candidate)
Email: uqmharo1@uq.edu.au