1. The rapid advancement of digital health technologies promises to revolutionise healthcare delivery, offering unprecedented opportunities for improving patient outcomes and operational efficiencies. However, this progress is not without its challenges. This presentation will introduce the concept of ethical debt in the context of digital health,  and will ask the question of how we can take steps to ensure that we limit incurring this debt.

Key challenges discussed include the protection of patient privacy and data security, addressing the digital divide to ensure equitable access, ensuring appropriate information sharing with patients and navigating a complex regulatory  landscapes. By examining these issues, the presentation aims to highlight the importance of integrating robust ethical frameworks in the development and deployment of digital health solutions.

Link to register: Microsoft Virtual Events Powered by Teams

About Queensland Digital Health Education Series

Queensland Digital Health Education series

UQ's Queensland Digital Health Centre and Metro North's Queensland Digital Academy co-present the Queensland Digital Health Education series to bring clinicians, academics and researchers together to hear up-and-coming innovations and applications of informatics in healthcare.

The sessions inform and update participants on the latest developments in research and how health informatics is translating to inform and directly impact clinical care and patient outcomes.