Presented by UQ's Queensland Digital Health Centre and Metro North Health's Queensland Digital Academy.

Infants born very preterm (<32 weeks’ gestation) are at an increased risk of adverse neurodevelopmental outcomes including cerebral palsy and other motor disorders, ADHD, and autism. Early identification of infants at highest risk is essential for providing early targeted interventions. Our team have conducted one of the worlds’ largest observational cohort studies of very preterm infants, which includes advanced neonatal brain MRI early in life and at term equivalent age, with follow-up until 6 years age. In this presentation, Kerstin will show how her work has improved brain diffusion MRI data quality in this challenging patient population, and that brain biomarkers obtained in the neonatal period show promise for prediction of adverse outcomes.

Speaker: Dr Kerstin Pannek.

Recording available here

About Queensland Digital Health Education Series

Queensland Digital Health Education series

UQ's Queensland Digital Health Centre and Metro North's Queensland Digital Academy co-present the Queensland Digital Health Education series to bring clinicians, academics and researchers together to hear up-and-coming innovations and applications of informatics in healthcare.

The sessions inform and update participants on the latest developments in research and how health informatics is translating to inform and directly impact clinical care and patient outcomes.


Microsoft Seminar