GROUP 1: SMART Project by Professor Clair Sullivan

Healthcare is now being digitised, accelerated by COVID-19. The use of the routinely collected healthcare data is promising: the SMART project will explore this resource to deliver new and innovative ways to use healthcare data to improve patient care.

GROUP 2 : SERP Project by Associate Professor Jason Ferris

When it comes to data management many of us make use of UQ’s RDM. There are a lot of good things about this; but when an academic downloads data from the RDM there is no control on where it goes. This is where SeRP comes in. SeRP – Secure eResearch Platform: a solution to control data. Jason will be discussing SeRP@UQ.

Please RSVP by Thursday 9 July 2021 to


Level 6, OHC, Room 6053 Boardroom
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